A Trane

Train of thoughts. A-Train. Coltrane. A Trane.

Friday, January 06, 2006

0, 1 and -1

- Are you sure?
- Yes. He has a 0/1 pattern.
- He is either your friend or he despises you. "1": he is your closest friend. You can trust him. "0", he doesn't even acknowledge your existence.
- This is cool. We could decribe his stream of relationships in a Boolean way.
- Exactly; that's the point. A digital relationship pattern. And the key skill is to switch from 0 to 1 and back again as fast as possible. Anything in the middle is just murky; quite dangerous indeed.
- And what about her?
- She is 1 or -1.
- That's worse?
- Not necessarely. To be sure, she has Schmitt in her heart. Her world is crowded with friends and foes. Nothing in between. At least she will never forget that you exist.


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